penulis adalah slh seorg pngidap insomnia.
alhamdulillah skang dh agk tkawal.
dulu2 sedih gak bile org slh anggap bila kita kena insomnia nie.
cthnyer kalu kerap lewat/ xlrt nk gi kgijer, mcm2 la andaian/ tuduhan.
cmne pun bgi pengidap, anggap la ini ujian Allah.
rawatan tbaik adala mndekatkn diri kpd-Nya
kat bwh ni sdikit mklumat bkaitan:
Insomnia is the inability to obtain an adequate amount or quality of sleep. The difficulty can be in falling asleep, remaining asleep, or both. People with insomnia do not feel refreshed when they wake up. Insomnia is a common symptom affecting millions of people that may be caused by many conditions, diseases, or circumstances.
Sleep is essential for mental and physical restoration. It is a cycle with two separate states: rapid eye movement (REM), the stage in which most dreaming occurs; and non-REM (NREM). Four stages of sleep take place during NREM: stage I, when the person passes from relaxed wakefulness; stage II, an early stage of light sleep; stages III and IV, which are increasing degrees of deep sleep. Most stage IV sleep (also called delta sleep), occurs in the first several hours of sleep. A period of REM sleep normally follows a period of NREM sleep.
Insomnia is more common in women and older adults. People who are divorced, widowed, or separated are more likely to have the problem than those who are married, and it is more frequently reported by those of lower socioeconomic status. Short-term, or transient, insomnia is a common occurrence and usually lasts only a few days. Long-term, or chronic, insomnia lasts more than three weeks and increases the risk for injuries in the home, at the workplace, and while driving because of daytime sleepiness and decreased concentration. Chronic insomnia can also lead to mood disorders like depression.
— Donald G. Barstow, RN
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